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Examples of traditional food for Day of the Dead

Traditional Foods & Recipes

Food is, as with any celebration, an integral part of the Día de los Muertos celebration. But food as an ofrenda is offered for the aroma, it is not believed that the foods are used or consumed by the spirits. The foods are eaten or given away by the living later, after their essence has been consumed.

Because you would want to provide the things your loved ones enjoyed in life, you would make these traditional dishes and drinks with the best ingredients and the most care.

Sweet, egg-rich "bread of the dead," pan de muerto, is one of the constants of Día de los Muertos. Pan de muerto is sprinkled with sugar, and little added knobs and strips of dough on top that represent bones and skulls. Another item often found on the altar are traditional liquors or other drinks. Mescal, pulque, atole, and hot chocolate, as well as a glass of water are essential, because after the journey here, the souls are thirsty.



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